Fiduciary Duty to Local 44
The main function of the Secretary-Treasurer’s office is fiduciary responsibility and overseeing the functioning and budget management and oversight for the Local. Local 44 has seen many changes in the past few years which will require some rigorous attention both currently and in the upcoming years.
My background working with museums and non-profits, specifically in their development and treasury departments, focused on overseeing budgets and managing long term and annual budgets as well as membership databases. This experience not only gives me a thorough knowledge of the structure of institutions such as Local 44’s but also a comprehension of non-profit requirements and regulations.
My Goals
- Provide proactive and timely information, reports and budgetary assessments for the Executive board to allow representatives to make informed decisions
- Continue to serve with the Constitution and By-Laws Committee to address any necessary changes to dues and initiation structure
- Advocate for efficient spending within the Local, while reducing redundancies or finding alternative methods
- Accept submitted questions from membership prior to General Membership and Craft Meetings to be prepared with answers and information that members want to know